Let's get aquainted to the interface of Download Deputy 3.2. If this picture looks blurry or compressed, enlarge the window of this document.   Main Download Deputy Window Learning Download Deupty Step by Step 1. The URL Entry Field: In the top-left corner of Download Deputy's main window, you will find the URL Entry Field. In this field, you type the URL of a file you would like to download. Here are two example URLs: ftp://ftp.ilesa.com/pub/ilesa/files/download-deputy-30-ppc.hqx http://www.ilesa.com/index.html Note: You must enter complete FTP or HTTP URLs. You can not enter a URL like . You must specify the document to be downloaded like . 2. The User ID Entry Field Just below the URL Entry Field, you will find the User ID Entry Field. If the User ID for the current URL is different from the default User ID found in the Options window, you will need to fill in the correct User ID. If you want to use the default User ID, leave this field blank. 3. The Password Entry Field Below the User ID Entry Field, you find the Password Entry Field. As with the User ID section, this entry field is optional. You only need to fill it out if the Password for the current URL is not the default Password found in the Options window. 4. The Add URL Button When you have filled out the correct entry fields, click this button to add the current URL into the Download Queue. In the unregistered Download Deputy, you can only add two URLs to the queue at a time. Once registered, Download Deputy can accomodate up to 320 URLs at a time. 5. The Download Queue In Download Deputy's main window, the entire right half of the window is occupied by the Download Queue. This list shows you the current list of files to be downloaded. You can double-click a file in the queue to edit its URL, destination folder, and login information. 6. Delete Item Button Click this button to remove the selected item from the Download Queue. If you prefer, Command-Delete will do the same thing. 7. Clear Queue Button Click this button to entirely clear out the contents of the Download Queue. If you do not save the file list, clearing the queue will permanently lose your current list of files. 8. Go! Button When you have added all of your desired URLs to the Download Queue, click this button to begin the download session. As each file finishes transferring, Download Deputy will begin the next. Congratulations! You have been aquainted with Download Deputy 3.0! Now, for some Tips and Tricks: - You can now drag and drop text URLs from other programs into Download Deputy. If you find a URL in Netscape, for example, you can drag it to Download Deputy's main window. If you will be downloading similar files or files from the same directory, you can select Duplicate Previous from the Edit menu (alternatively, press command-d), to reenter the information from the previous file into the URL:, User ID:, and Password: fields. After you have edited the information, press return to add the file to the queue.   If you realize you have accidentally entered incorrect information for a URL already in the Download Queue, double-click it. This will bring up the File Information window. You can now edit the current URL's information.   Setting Download Locations - To set the default downloads folder, open the Deputy menu and select Options to bring up the Options section. Here you can set the default downloads folder by clicking on the Select button, and selecting the location. By default, all files in the queue will be downloaded to this location. Download Deputy can also download individual files to other locations. Using the File Information window, you can save URLs to a folder other than the default. Post-downloading Options You can set Download Deputy to automatically disconnect your PPP connection (if applicable), Auto-Expand files with Stuffit Expander, quit itself, and/or shut down your Mac. To set these options, select Options in the Deputy menu. In the Options section that appears, check or uncheck the post-download items. Please note: disconnecting PPP does not quit Download Deputy and quitting Download Deputy does not disconnect PPP. However, shutting down the computer DOES both quit Download Deputy and disconnect PPP.   Specifying Download Times - Normally, you start a download by clicking on the button in the lower-right corner of the Download Deputy main window. Download Deputy can also download your files at a specific time without user intervention, in the middle of the night, for example. You can do this by selecting Scheduler from the Deputy menu. In the Scheduler window, you can set a specific date and time for a download session. You must first check the Enabled check box for your each time slot. Now, in the Date: field, enter a date (MM/DD/YY), and in the Time: field, enter a time (HH/MM in 24 hour format). Finally, click the Select File button to select the list of files you would like to download. Working with Multiple File Lists - Until you register Download Deputy, you cannot work with more than one list of files. However, in the registered version, you can create multiple lists of files to be downloaded. For example, if you specify a date and time far into the future for files in one list to be downloaded, you can save that list and work with another one in the meantime. To save a file list, select Save List from the File menu. To open a previously saved list, select Open List from the File menu. If you select Open List before you have saved the list you are currently working with, you will be notified by dialogue box that asks you if you want to Discard the current list, Save the current list, or Cancel the operation of opening a different list.